In the moment we become aware of our physical presence our fragility gives us strength.

We learn how to inhabit our body with grace and see in our mind not an enemy, but a friend.


Daria Cheremisinova is a yoga instructor with an integrative and functional approach to working with body and mind.

Her ability to feel challenges and needs of professionals working at a desk, engaged in office reality blended with a deep understanding of human physicality acquired through her dance studies, massage training, and background in yoga therapy make her skilled and empathic yoga trainer.

Daria’s gentle, attentive and structured approach make her classes accessible for people with different needs and health conditions. Trained in Satyananda tradition, Daria continues to expand her practice though the studies of somatic psychology, dance practice and regular supervision.

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My classes are designed to give students the tools and techniques to access their unique bodies’ wisdom. I connect individuals to the practice through intelligent sequencing, compassionate adjustments and relevant alignment instructions.

1:1, studio and corporate

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